Wednesday, December 17, 2008

20T: The next door neightbour

So yesturday my friend Micky came over, she picked me up from work and we had planned to play guitar hero...

Well as soon as I walked in the door, not 10 minutes had gone by when hubby was already bitching about the mess, the dishes, how much of a slob I am blah blah blah.

First off: Cant you piss off? I have my friend over, Dont bitch at me! jeeze!

Second: Can I walk in the door and sit down for a second? I just got off work..

Third: ok our house is as neat as a pin. beside the off sock that our dog grabs and pulls into the other room, our house is spotless! seriously I wish you could see it, then you would know how redic he is being

Fourth: Back to being hubby, that didn't take long eh girls? What 2 days and he was nasty again. Dont get me wrong of course I love him, but hes just not very nice, hes mean to me, and I dont know what else I can do to point it out to him!

Arite so thats my gripe.. moving on

So Micky and I hung out for the evening, we made tacos for dinner, walked the dog, watched some CSI, and called actor friend!! it was such a great conver! He just had some big audition for a movie so we called to see how it went. And he talked to us for like 20 minutes and it was a lot of fun. Deff the highlight of my night! we were being such high school girls on the phone too, ohhs and awws and yea.. but it just felt good to hear his voice. Is that lame? I've missed him..

So anyways this morning when I left for work, I tripped down the stairs only to see this SUPER HOTT GUY at the house next door to me shoveling the driveway! He smiled at me, stiffed a laughand said "hello". Well stupid me said" hello" but I also said "did you come by just to shovel the driveway? that was nice!" I thought he didnt live at home.. but he must have an older brother or something.. anyways he gave me a funny look and was like "well I sorta have to.." anyways I went to my car and noticed that my sidewalk was shoveled. Well stupid me again goes over to him and was like "Did you shovel my sidewalk?" hes looking at me funny and was like "no". Embarrased I was like "oh, well I was gonna say thanks to you but I guess my hubby did it! I didnt know he got up that early. I guess I better tell him thanks! Have a good day!" He said "bye".

But could I have talked anymore? I kept telling myself to shut up and he deff thinks Im a creeper and I bet hes totally regretting saying hello in the first place, and I told him I was married.. so that puts a damper on this whole thing..

I know, for lack of a better phrase, I cant "keep my dick in my pants" LOL always thinking about boys

Anyways when I drove off he waved goodbye.. so maybe he didnt read into it all...oh well I may get my adventure yet...


Stephie J said...

No surprise. On monday Josh told me he was very happy and that hes finally found the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Tuesday.. calls me a coward (which Ive asked him NOT to do many times before).. we get into a fight.. i tell him im leaving and he says good and slams the door on me.

Guys are such assholes. I also have feelings for one of my boyfriends close friends.. its hard.. its like hes the PERFECT guy for me (in every aspect).. but so unattainable.

Jackson said...

well darn, guys will be guys.
and as for the neighbor boy, guys typically dont look into things like we do, we over analyze and they dont-and thank God cause sometimes if they did we'd be introuble.